
'Aku Tulis Pamplet Ini' (I Write This Pamphlet)

Aku tulis pamplet ini
karena lembaga pendapat umum
ditutupi jaring labah-labah.
Orang-orang bicara dalam kasak-kusuk,
dan ungkapan diri ditekan
menjadi peng - iya - an.

Aku tidak melihat alasan
kenapa harus diam tertekan dan termangu.
Aku ingin secara wajar kita bertukar pikiran.

I write this pamphlet
because the institutions of public opinion
are covered in cobwebs.
People talk in whispers,
and self-expression is suppressed
ending up as mere acquiescence.

I see no reason
why we should sit here in enforced stupor.
I would like us to engage in a fair exchange of views.


NOTE: You are welcome to share my poetry with others – please credit “dithelen” with a link to my website.  Thanks!